Ravens Bluff News
It has been reported that during recent undisclosed
reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines that noted Ravens
Bluff exotic dancer DeVia Dirkdancer was taken captive by
enemy troops. Government officials have expressed their
regrets, but refused to comment further, stating only that
her capture was a matter of utmost military secrecy.
As a child of our fair city, for many DeVia has come to
embody the true Ravens Bluffian spirit of hard toil and
quick wit. A scholar of our traditional and interpretive
dances herself, she will be missed by more than just the
artistic community. Ever youthful DeVia even now symbolizes
what we of the City of Ravens Bluff fight to protect, our
culture and our children.
With this in mind, we the undersigned hereby petition the
ruling body of this city (whoever may be fulfilling that
role at the time) to make DeVia Dirkdancer the official
recruitment poster image for the Ravens Bluff Military.